Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) will offer up to 10 full-time Research Fellowship positions commencing in 2022. Fellowships will be awarded on a competitive...
When: June 17 - 18, 2021, 1:00 - 5:00 pm, Central US Time
Where: Online
Register: Free, at
This free two-day online event will explore...
KERB is an internationally recognized, not-for-profit journal that has been produced by RMIT University for close to three decades.
This year, our theme is: WILD
A force...
When: Monday 30 November, 5pm
Where: Online
Register via Eventbrite
In late October, the Victorian government cut down an ancient Yellow Box tree to make way...
Call for presentations:
an ASLEC-ANZ symposium
Proposal submission deadline:
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Notification of proposal acceptance:
Friday 10th January 2021
Symposium date:
Friday 5th February 2021
These are strange – and, for some,...