International Event

Sawyer Seminar on the Environmental Humanities

Sawyer Seminars at UCLA series on the Environmental Humanities with Mellon funding may be of interest to Australians passing through UCLA in Jan, Feb, March, April, May or June. Note that several Australian presenters are included....

CFP: Animals in the Anthropocene: Human–animal relations in a changing semiosphere – Stavanger, Norway, 17-19 September 2015

Animals in the Anthropocene Human–animal relations in a changing semiosphere Stavanger, Norway, 17–19 September 2015 Deadline for submission of theme session proposals: December 15th 2014. Organised by the Norwegian research group of the Norwegian-Estonian research project “Animals in Changing Environments: Cultural Mediation and Semiotic Analysis” (EEA Norway Grants/Norway...

Graduate School, Estonia: Animals in Transdisciplinary Environmental History

Graduate School in Environmental History Läänemaa, Estonia, May 13-15, 2015 KAJAK, the Estonian Centre for Environmental History at Tallinn University Institute of History, in cooperation with the University of Tartu and Rachel Carson Center for Environment & Society (LMU Munich) and with the support of European Society...

CFP – Working with Nature (Symposium), Massey University, 10 April 2015

10 April, 2015 Massey University, Manawatu Campus Palmerston North, Aotearoa-New Zealand Keynote: Sean Cubitt (Goldsmiths College, University of London) Nature is one of those ever-present yet somewhat uncomfortable words that structure our everyday lives. In the twenty-first century it is becoming increasingly apparent that whether we consciously address it...

Thinking Through The Anthropocene in Madison and Berlin

Thinking through the Anthropocene: Museums, Humanities, Art November 2014 has seen some big international events in understanding global change. It is a very exciting time when ‘interdisciplinary’ means Art meets Science meets Humanities – and all are together as equal parts of the discussion. Some interesting...

Ice Cave
CFP ASLE 2015 Conference: Notes from Underground: The Depths of Environmental Arts, Culture and Justice

Deadline for Submissions is December 7.  CONFERENCE WEBSITE: Submissions information and online form: In Notes from Underground (1864), Dostoyevsky explores relations between modernity and its discontents at an important historical conjuncture: the novella’s unnamed, unpleasant hero rails against capitalist industry, imperialist architecture and an emerging...

Environmental Humanities, Switzerland

A retreat on 7-8 November on the shores of the Vierwaldstättersee (Lake of the four-forested cantons) brought together nine brainstormers of five nationalities and multiple disciplines from across the country to determine the future directions of Environmental Humanities in Switzerland and beyond. The group's aim is...

“Anthropocene.” Photograph by Jason deCaires Taylor.
Rob Nixon “The Anthropocene: The Promise and Pitfalls of an Epochal Idea”

The Center for Culture, History, and Environment (CHE), a research center within the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison recently launched a new blog titled, Edge Effects. Australian Environmental Humanities researchers will be interested in its content. In the lead up to the Anthropocene Slam: A...

CFP Human migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention (Durham, UK) – 2015

28 June-1 July 2015, Durham University Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Professor David Held (Durham University) Professor Wendy Brown (UC, Berkeley) Professor Claire Colebrook (Penn State) Professor Walter Kälin (University of Bern) Conference website: New submission deadline: 12 December 2014 Submission Information: Submit paper session proposals to with the subject line ‘Durham Conference’. Conference...