Call for papers

CFP: Unsettling Australia (UQ, 3-5 Dec 2018)

International Australian Studies Association Biennial Conference 3-5 December 2018, The University of Queensland Unsettling Australia Australia, the oldest continental landmass on Earth, has had a relatively stable geographical history and, situated in the middle of a tectonic plate, it currently has no active volcanism. However the advent of...

Wild Emotions: Affect and the Natural World

Date: 14‒15 December 2017 Venue: Woodward Conference Centre, 10th Floor, Law Building, The University of Melbourne, 185 Pelham St, Carlton, VIC Enquiries: Grace Moore ( Convened by: Stephanie Trigg and Grace Moore Whether it is red in tooth and claw or a goddess to be worshipped, nature is always...

CFP: Conference on Environmental Future (7ICEF): Humans and Island Environments (Honolulu, 16-20 April 2018)

Call for papers 7th International Conference on Environmental Future (7ICEF): Humans and Island Environments Honolulu, Hawai'i April 16-20th, 2018 Abstract submission for contributed talks and poster presentations for the 7ICEF are now open. Further information and submission here. Deadline for submissions is December, 1, 2017. Islands are at the forefront of...

CFP – Sick Women, Planetary Vulnerability and the Politics of Pain – ACLA Annual Meeting, UCLA (from 29/3)

Call for papers, American Comparative Literature Association, 2018 Annual Meeting  Organizer: Bogna M. Konior Co-Organizer: Nadia de Vries  Contact the Seminar Organizers Pathography, or the documentation of illness, has been a consistent feature in feminist writing. From Woolf (On Being Ill, 1978), Sontag (“Illness as Metaphor,” 1978) and Lorde (The Cancer...

A Clockwork Green: Ecomedia in the Anthropocene

A Clockwork Green: Ecomedia in the Anthropocene A Nearly Carbon Neutral Virtual Symposium Sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment and the University of California, Santa Barbara June 14-30, 2018 CFP online: A troubling paradox lies at the heart of ecomedia studies: those of us who...

Remaking the Museum in the Anthropocene – Call for Papers

The Aarhus University Centre for Environmental Humanities is excited to invite proposals for contributions to an interdisciplinary conference on "Remaking the Museum: Curation, Conservation, and Care in Times of Ecological Upheaval." Bringing together leading scholars and practitioners from across the environmental humanities and beyond, the...

CFP: Shifting States conference,11-15 December 2017, University of Adelaide

Shifting States Anthropology conference 11-15 December 2017, University of Adelaide Three anthropology associations (AAS, ASA and ASAANZ) are collaborating to put on an international conference in December 2017, bringing together anthropologists and members from across Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Commonwealth and beyond. The call for papers is...

Call for Papers: Sustaining the Seas Conference, 11-13 December 2017

Sustaining the Seas: fish, oceanic space and the politics of caring The University of Sydney, 11th - 13th December 2017 Sustaining the Seas is an exciting and experimental refereed international conference that will bring together academics of many disciplines, practitioners, urban planners, artists and writers to consider...