Call for papers

Symposium CFP: Beyond Survival: Austerity, precarity, resilience

Beyond Survival: Austerity, precarity, resilience Symposium at the University of Tasmania October 23 - 24, 2018 Inquiries to Naomi Milthorpe at In periods of extended crisis, individual and collective goals orient towards concepts of “survival”. Acceptable definitions of survival are contested and the conditions for survival are vulnerable to exploitation...

CFP: Eating the Anthropocene (Macquarie University, 26-27 April 2018)

Eating the Anthropocene: What and how should we eat in a climate changing world? Keynote speaker: Mike Goodman (University of Reading) April 26-27, 2018 Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University Further information: The meatification, standardisation, and globalisation of diets has contributed to food systems and cultures that both...

CFP: Frankenstein 2018: Two hundred years of monsters

Call for Papers: Frankenstein 2018: Two hundred years of monsters 12-15 September 2018 The Australian National University, and National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra Two centuries after its anonymous publication on 1 January 1818, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus remains as topical as ever. Its...

CFP: Life Writing in the Anthropocene

Call for Papers: A special issue of a/b: Auto/Biography Studies Guest Editors: Jessica White & Gillian Whitlock The University of Queensland We have, arguably, entered the age of the Anthropocene, a time when our environment has been substantially shaped by humans, rather than vice versa. It is...

CFP: Reenchanting Urban Wildness (Perpignan, France: June 11- 14 2019)

Reenchanting Urban Wildness: To Perceive, Think and Live With Nature in its Urban Environment International Conference, Perpignan June 11- 14 2019 Under the aegis of the CRESEM, UPVD GUEST WRITERS Belinda Cannone, French writer, sponsor of the PUP (Presses Universitaires de Perpignan), author of S’émerveiller, 2017. Nathanael Johnson, American journalist...

Ecofeminist Fridays (Melbourne)

Sit and read or listen with EcoFeminist Fridays at the University of Melbourne. Our weekly ‘read-ins’ aim to create a kind of refuge for critical ecological feminist thought and action. In the first half of 2018, we will be reading aloud, as a collective, from...

Call for Papers: Ecology of the Moving Image

What can moving images do? An ecological thinking of the moving image This issue of Transformations calls for papers as provocations into the human-nature relation through the questioning power of the moving image. In particular, we are looking for contributions that focus on the function of...