Call for papers

CFP – Writing Place, Writing Laws (Melbourne, 10 May 2019)

Writing Place, Writing Laws: Laws & the Humanities in the 'Anthropocene' Workshop, Friday 10 May 2019 Melbourne Law School Call for Papers Deadline: 10 March 2019 To be held on Friday 10th May 2019, this workshop, featuring Professor Alexis Wright, award winning author, and Boisbouvier Chair in Australian Literature...

CFP: Toward Extinction, To Ward Off Extinction (France)

Toward Extinction, To Ward Off Extinction An International Conference organised by CECILLE (Centre d'Etudes en Civilisations, Langues et Lettres Étrangères) 7-9 November 2019 Université de Lille SHS, France Convened by: Thomas Dutoit (CECILLE), Sarah Jonckheere (CECILLE/IdA), and Laura Lainväe (EMMA) Keynote speakers: Sarah Wood, co-editor and advisory board of OLR and Angelaki,...

CFP: Multispecies Justice (University of Sydney, June 2019)

Thinking and Enacting Justice in a Multispecies World June 12 – 20 2019 The University of Sydney In June 2019, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney and the Sydney Environment Institute will host a series of four international symposia to work...

Call for Papers

CFP: Creaturely Ethics and Poetics Date: June 27-29, 2019 Location: The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK Chief Convenor: Victor J Krawczyk Website: The domination-exploitation of human beings begins with animals, wild beasts and cattle; the humans associated with these inaugurated an experience that would turn back against them: killings,...

Deadline Extended: Grounding Story (conference), Armidale, February 13-15, 2019

The 7th Biennial Association for the Study of Literature, Environment and Culture Conference Hosted by University of New England, Armidale February 13-15, 2019. The 2019 ASLEC-ANZ Conference theme is Grounding Story. We seek submissions from scholars, artists, writers and activists that respond to the material and ideological implications of environmental...

Call for Paper – AAS2018 Life in an Age of Death

Call for Paper AAS2018 Life in an Age of Death, 4 - 7 December, 2018 James Cook University, Cairns The deadline for submissions is July 16. Sea theory, atmospheres, and liminality of lives This panel will explore the development of the "ocean turn" and the rise of "critical ocean studies"...

“Paradise on Fire”: CFP for ASLE conference in California

Please consider submitting a proposal for a panel or workshop for the 2019 ASLE (Association for the Study of Literature and Environment) conference at the University of California at Davis. Topics may include but are certainly not limited to: • reckoning with “paradise” in the face...