Call for papers

CFP: Second International Environmental Humanities Conference (Turkey, May 16-18, 2022)

Call for PapersSecond International Environmental Humanities Conference: Critical Animal and Plant StudiesCappadocia University (Mustafapaşa Campus, 50420 Ürgüp/Nevşehir, Turkey) May 16-18, 2022 Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Paola Cavalieri (Etica & Animali; The Helsinki Group, (Online)Monica Gagliano (The University of Western Australia) (In-person)Douglas Vakoch (METI International) (In-person) There have...

CFP: Storying climes of the Himalaya, Andes, and Arctic Anthropogenic water bodies, multispecies vulnerability, and sustainable living

CALL FOR PAPERS PUBLISHING WORKSHOP Storying climes of the Himalaya, Andes, and Arctic Anthropogenic water bodies, multispecies vulnerability, and sustainable living 9-15 October 2021 | Online In partnership with My Climate Risk, a lighthouse activity of World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Co-hosted by Royal Thimphu College (Royal University of Bhutan) and...

CFP: Alternatives to the Anthropocene

Alternatives to the Anthropocene A Call for Proposals from the Radical History Review Issue number 145 Abstract Deadline: June 1, 2021 Co-Edited by Ashley Dawson and A. Naomi Paik This issue seeks submissions that examine the voices of those who fought against the development of the Anthropocene, the geological age...

Call for Submission: KERB JOURNAL 29 (WILD)

KERB is an internationally recognized, not-for-profit journal that has been produced by RMIT University for close to three decades. This year, our theme is: WILD A force of disturbance and surprise, a catalyst for evolution in the natural world. We invite you with your opinions on can reimagining what...


Call for presentations: Strange/Letters an ASLEC-ANZ symposium Proposal submission deadline: Tuesday 1st December 2020 Notification of proposal acceptance: Friday 10th January 2021 Symposium date: Friday 5th February 2021 These are strange – and, for some, estranging – times. Dislocated from one another by lockdowns, border closures, and the unsustainability, cost, and even danger of travel, we’re reminded...

CFP: The Material Life of Time due 23 October event 15-17 March 2021

The Material Life of Time The second international Temporal Belongings conference 15th-17th March 2021 Online via QiQo Chat Call for papers Much of the time of our lives is given to us by the relationships, properties and movements of worldly materialities. Atmospheric carbon has irrevocably transformed agricultural time (Kassam et...

CFP: Mapping the Environmental Humanities

Call for Chapters Mapping the Environmental Humanities: The Emerging Role of Geographic Information Systems in Ecocriticism Edited by Mark Terry and Michael Hewson Proposals due: 15th July 2020 Issues related to the global environment, planetary health, and the related survival of all species, including humans, represent fields of study...

CFP: Special issue on Youth Climate Strikes

The Australian Journal of Environmental Education is seeking papers exploring the educational dimensions of the youth school strikes for climate action. We believe that the school climate strikes offer many challenges and opportunities for environmental education research and practice, and envisage that a broad range...

Risk Society: call for essays, projects and research

Risk Society Issue #1: call for contributions deadline extended to 1 September 2020 -- Societies worldwide face unprecedented future uncertainties. The information age allows for new perceptions on risks, which increasingly began to play a central role in policies and broader decision-making. Today, the growing amount of data...