Call for papers

Gardens, Palace of Versailles,
European Society for Environmental History 2015 registration open

Registration for the ESEH meeting in Versailles, France, 30 June to 4 July 2015, is now available! Register at Discounted registration is only available through March 31st. Note that you must register by March 31st if you have been accepted to give an oral presentation or poster in order to...

Bahamas. Source: NASA (CC)
Call for Proposals: Rethinking the Island

Rowman and Littlefield International and the editors of Rethinking the Island are celebrating our first of ten years! Our series Academic and policy writing on islands has grown rapidly, with much effort focused on island ecologies and environments, island heritage and culture, and island vulnerabilities and resilience, and...

CFP: Animals in the Anthropocene: Human–animal relations in a changing semiosphere – Stavanger, Norway, 17-19 September 2015

Animals in the Anthropocene Human–animal relations in a changing semiosphere Stavanger, Norway, 17–19 September 2015 Deadline for submission of theme session proposals: December 15th 2014. Organised by the Norwegian research group of the Norwegian-Estonian research project “Animals in Changing Environments: Cultural Mediation and Semiotic Analysis” (EEA Norway Grants/Norway...

Graduate School, Estonia: Animals in Transdisciplinary Environmental History

Graduate School in Environmental History Läänemaa, Estonia, May 13-15, 2015 KAJAK, the Estonian Centre for Environmental History at Tallinn University Institute of History, in cooperation with the University of Tartu and Rachel Carson Center for Environment & Society (LMU Munich) and with the support of European Society...

CFP – Working with Nature (Symposium), Massey University, 10 April 2015

10 April, 2015 Massey University, Manawatu Campus Palmerston North, Aotearoa-New Zealand Keynote: Sean Cubitt (Goldsmiths College, University of London) Nature is one of those ever-present yet somewhat uncomfortable words that structure our everyday lives. In the twenty-first century it is becoming increasingly apparent that whether we consciously address it...

Alphonse Adolphe Bichard, ‘Baron Munchausen Flogs a Fox Out of His Skin’, c.1886, © The UIG/The British Library Board (902_05_1856420)
Call for Papers: Into the Woods (Symposium), Melbourne, 22 July 2015

Into the Woods: An ‘Emotions and Environment’ Symposium July 22, 2015, The University of Melbourne Confirmed keynote speakers: Professor Stephen Knight, The University of Melbourne, Associate Professor Linda Williams, RMIT University Forests, and the stories we tell about them, often belong to our earliest memories, regardless of the...

Call for papers: ‘Animal Publics: Emotions, Empathy, Activism’

Australian Animal Studies Group (AASG) Conference 2015 Convened by the Australian Centre and the Human Rights and Animal Ethics Research Network (HRAE) The University of Melbourne, July 12-15, 2015   The call for papers is now open. We want to hear from scholars, academics, activists and thinkers. Abstracts of 250...

Ice Cave
CFP ASLE 2015 Conference: Notes from Underground: The Depths of Environmental Arts, Culture and Justice

Deadline for Submissions is December 7.  CONFERENCE WEBSITE: Submissions information and online form: In Notes from Underground (1864), Dostoyevsky explores relations between modernity and its discontents at an important historical conjuncture: the novella’s unnamed, unpleasant hero rails against capitalist industry, imperialist architecture and an emerging...

CFP Human migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention (Durham, UK) – 2015

28 June-1 July 2015, Durham University Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Professor David Held (Durham University) Professor Wendy Brown (UC, Berkeley) Professor Claire Colebrook (Penn State) Professor Walter Kälin (University of Bern) Conference website: New submission deadline: 12 December 2014 Submission Information: Submit paper session proposals to with the subject line ‘Durham Conference’. Conference...

CFP Animal Publics: Emotions, Empathy, Activism (AASG, Melbourne: July 12-15, 2015)

6th Biennial Conference of the Australian Animal Studies Group (AASG): July 12-15, 2015. Convened by the Australian Centre and the Human Rights & Animal Ethics Research Network (HRAE), University of Melbourne.   Call for Papers Open until Monday November 17 – please share! Download the pdf here The human/nonhuman animal relationship is continually...