Call for papers

CFP: Making Common Causes (June 2016, Canada)

Making Common Causes: Crises, Conflict, Creation, Conversation ALECC Biennial Conference — Call for Papers, Panels, and Other Presentations June 15-18, 2016, Queen’s University, Kingston ON Deadline: September 1st, 2015 What makes an environmental crisis common or uncommon? How do our understandings of environments depend on causes—both as ideas of causality...

Land Dialogues Conference: Interdisciplinary Research in Dialogue with Land

Land Dialogues Conference: Interdisciplinary Research in Dialogue with Land Link: | #landdialogues Dates: 14th and 15th of April 2016 at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia About The Call for Papers for the inaugural Land Dialogues Conference: Interdisciplinary Research in Dialogue with Land is now open. The Land...

Foreign Bodies mould
Symposium CfP: Foreign Bodies, Intimate Ecologies: Transformations in Environmental History

Symposium call for papers Foreign Bodies, Intimate Ecologies: Transformations in Environmental History 11-13 February, 2016 Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia | #FBIE2016 Environmental history has experienced significant transformations in recent years, driven by a new sense of urgency created by contemporary environmental crises and greater degrees of interdisciplinary engagement. This international...

Announcing the launch of the new Geohumanities Journal

GeoHumanities is a new journal just launched by the Association of American Geographers and will be published by Taylor and Francis. Its editors are Tim Cresswell (Northeastern University, Boston) and Deborah Dixon (University of Glasgow), and it has a strong international editorial advisory board. GeoHumanities publishes original...

Film and History Workshop May 2015

Visualising Environmental Humanities And History: A Postgraduate Workshop (4-8 May, 2015) Australia-Pacific Environmental Humanities Observatory, Sydney Environment Institute, University of Sydney. Centre for Environmental History, Australian National University, Canberra. 4-8 May, 2015 Are you writing a PhD or MA in environmental history or humanities, and are interested in the...

Martin Harrison Special Issue of Plumwood Mountain

Plumwood Mountain: an Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics will dedicate volume 2, issue 2 (September 2015) to the memory of Martin Harrison (1949-2014). A key member of Plumwood Mountain’s inaugural editorial board, and acclaimed poet, critic and teacher, Martin's impact upon contemporary Australian poetry...

Visualising Environmental Humanities And History: A Postgraduate Workshop (4-8 May, 2015)

Australia-Pacific Environmental Humanities Observatory, Sydney Environment Institute, University of Sydney. Centre for Environmental History, Australian National University, Canberra. 4-8 May, 2015 Are you writing a PhD or MA in environmental history or humanities, and are interested in the relationship between writing and filmmaking? The Australia-Pacific Environmental Humanities Observatory will...