Call for papers

view from Burj Khalifa
CFP: Transformations of the Earth, Renmin University of China

Transformations of the Earth: International Graduate Student Workshop in Environmental History Renmin University of China, Beijing 21-23 May 2016 Co-Sponsored by the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany   This conference is open to advanced graduate...

Call for Contributions – Landscapes Journal

Landscapes: the Journal of the International Centre for Landscape and Language Issue: Ecotones as Contact Zones: Reading Landscape Intersections Submissions due: 18 November 2015 The Summer 2015/16 issue of Landscapes seeks critical essays, creative non-fiction, poetry, photography and artwork of a broadly interdisciplinary nature that...

Call for Proposals

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Deadline: November 29, 2015 Schumacher College and The Sharpham Trust invite you to submit a proposal for participation to the forthcoming symposium Language, Landscape and the Sublime, to be held June 29/30, 2016. This event is part of Schumacher College’s Ecological Arts programme. More...

(Reminder) CFP Closing Soon: Land Dialogues Conference

Land Dialogues Conference: Interdisciplinary Research in Dialogue with Land Link: | #landdialogues 14th and 15th of April 2016 at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia ***** Details The Call for Papers for the inaugural Land Dialogues Conference: Interdisciplinary Research in Dialogue with Land is now open. The Land Dialogues...

CFP: Undisciplined Environments (International Conference of the European Network of Political Ecology), Stockholm, 20-23 of March 2016

Power and conflict are at the core of socio-environmental change, but existing knowledge and higher education structures are ill-equipped to address them. Most of socially-relevant environmental research takes place within isolated disciplinary silos and has a disciplinary orientation. Questions are framed in relation to scholarly...

Plumwood Mountain journal call

Plumwood Mountain: an Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics will dedicate volume 2, issue 2 (September 2015) to the memory of Martin Harrison (1949-2014). A key member of Plumwood Mountain’s inaugural editorial board, and acclaimed poet, critic and teacher, Martin's impact upon contemporary Australian poetry...

Inspiring young people with nature – story call

Macquarie University has a research project to engage young people with nature. We would appreciate it if you can help to disseminate our call out.    We are inviting young storytellers (15-25 years) to share bold inspiring stories about a human experience with nature through any creative medium such...