Call for papers

Mediating Climate Change

Call for Papers: Mediating Climate Change University of Leeds Tuesday 4th – Thursday 6th July 2017 Confirmed speakers: Professor Wändi Bruine de Bruin (Leeds); Professor Nigel Clark (Lancaster); Professor Alexandra Harris (Liverpool); Professor Mike Hulme (King’s College London); Dr Adeline Johns-Putra (Surrey); Professor Gillen D’Arcy Wood (Illinois) Our experience...

New Directions in German Environmental Humanities

CFP: Otago German Studies, Vol. 28 (Dunedin: University of Otago) This series of books, published in the German Programme of the Department of Languages and Cultures at the University of Otago (NZ), aims to support German Studies in New Zealand by providing a means of publication, primarily,...

Environmental Themes in Popular Narratives – Special issue deadline 30 May 2016

Special issue call for Journal Environmental Communication: deadline 30 May 2016 Environmental Themes in Popular Narratives The purpose of this special issue of Environmental Communication is to explore and analyse a number of prominent environmental narratives conceived and reproduced in different venues.  Despite the increasing presence of...

CFP – Timescales: A conference of The Penn Program in Environmental Humanities

University of Pennsylvania, USA October 20-22, 2016 Conference website The Penn Program in Environmental Humanities is pleased to announce Timescales, an interdisciplinary environmental humanities conference to be held on October 20-22, 2016 at the University of Pennsylvania. Timescales explores the question of temporality in ecological crisis. The global threat...

Beware of falling asteroids
CFP Unexpected Encounters with Deep Time: Violence

9-5pm, 23rd February 2016 Evolution House, University of Edinburgh Organised by the Edinburgh Environmental Humanities Network There is a one in 59,000 chance – give or take shifting orbital trajectories – that asteroid 2015PU228 will collide with the Earth in the year 2081. Heavy and fast-moving, PU228 was...

Surprise Glacier
PSi #22: ‘Performance Climates’ Call for Papers

Dear friends and colleagues,   We've received a lot of interest in the PSi #22: ‘Performance Climates’ Call for Papers (below), and many proposals are rolling in that interpret the theme in provocative and inventive ways. We’re excited to announce that in addition to the great speaker line-up,...

[Call for Proposals] Perma/Culture: Imagining Alternatives in an Age of Crisis

We are seeking proposals for an interdisciplinary anthology, tentatively titled “Perma/Culture: Imagining Alternatives in an Age of Crisis,” that will treat cultural production and practices related to “alternatives”—both critical and creative, descriptive and imaginative—that challenge the unjust and unsustainable systems that dominate at present. Though...

Urban Cultures of Sustainability Postgrad Conference

Call for Applications Urban Cultures of Sustainability: International Graduate and Doctoral Student Workshop   To be held in collaboration with the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) at the Albert-Ludwig-University   Freiburg, 11–14 July 2016   This five-day intensive workshop is open to...

CFP: Under Western Skies 2016

Call for Proposals Under Western Skies 2016 Water: Events, Trends, Analysis September 27-30, 2016 Mount Royal University Calgary, Alberta, CANADA Under Western Skies (UWS) is a biennial, interdisciplinary conference series on the environment. The fourth conference organizers invite prospective researchers, authors, artists, and presenters to consider submitting proposals for oral...