Author: Marlaina Read

Ecocide in a Pandemic

Ecocide in a Pandemic: Laws of Exposure and Encounter in the Anthropocene Tuesday 17th November 2020, 8.30 – 10pm AEDT In this seminar, we will explore the confluence of colonisation and ecocide in the Anthropocene thesis, and the challenge to modernist claims to mastery posed by the...


Call for presentations: Strange/Letters an ASLEC-ANZ symposium Proposal submission deadline: Tuesday 1st December 2020 Notification of proposal acceptance: Friday 10th January 2021 Symposium date: Friday 5th February 2021 These are strange – and, for some, estranging – times. Dislocated from one another by lockdowns, border closures, and the unsustainability, cost, and even danger of travel, we’re reminded...

CFP: The Material Life of Time due 23 October event 15-17 March 2021

The Material Life of Time The second international Temporal Belongings conference 15th-17th March 2021 Online via QiQo Chat Call for papers Much of the time of our lives is given to us by the relationships, properties and movements of worldly materialities. Atmospheric carbon has irrevocably transformed agricultural time (Kassam et...

Free Event: Creating and Curating in a Time of Mass Extinction

Creating and Curating in a Time of Mass Extinction Two Roundtables about Art, Museums and Global Biodiversity Loss Friday 16th October, 2–4pm ; 4.30–6.30pm GMT Register here. What is the role of creativity in a time of ecological catastrophe? How can museum curation critically engage with global biodiversity loss?...

Sustainable Online Workshops

Our artists are hosting another series of workshops this September / October after a sell out July edition! We hope you can join us! We have a range of hours to suit your timezone. Feedback from the previous series: “It was super interesting to get insight into...

Capturing Climate Change online photographic exhibition

Capturing Climate Change – an online photographic exhibition by the Australian Museum, with captivating views of climate impacts and climate solutions in Australia and the Pacific. Share your images, see what others are capturing and how we are responding. They are striking and often beautiful but...

Force of Nature Masters Scholarship

Masters scholarship for the Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society’s Force of Nature Centennial History Project (2020) The Force of Nature Masters Scholarship is a one-off scholarship to give a graduate student an opportunity to contribute to the centennial history of Forest & Bird. The student...

New Handbook of Ecocultural Identity

The Handbook of Ecocultural Identity has just published. It's a timely book, as across the globe more and more of us awake to our always interconnected selves and strive to imagine and create mutually flourishing futures. The Handbook is an essential transdisciplinary resource for the...

CFP: Mapping the Environmental Humanities

Call for Chapters Mapping the Environmental Humanities: The Emerging Role of Geographic Information Systems in Ecocriticism Edited by Mark Terry and Michael Hewson Proposals due: 15th July 2020 Issues related to the global environment, planetary health, and the related survival of all species, including humans, represent fields of study...