15 May 5 salaried PhD Positions in Environmental Humanities (Sweden)
Note this exciting opportunity to fund 5 PhD positions in Linkoping, Uppsala and Stockholm in the environmental humanities!
Please spread the word and help identify excellent, highly motivated candidates.
Deadline for applications is May 25 2015.
*The positions will be housed in various departments (gender; environmental change; technology and social change; urban planning and architecture) but all are encouraged to propose strongly interdisciplinary projects. This research initiative strongly encourages and welcomes feminist, queer, anticolonial and cultural studies approaches to environmental humanities.
I am happy to field informal inquiries about this research consortium in which I am involved. Formal inquiries should be directed to Cecilia Asberg at the email listed below. astrida.neimanis@gmail.com / astrida.neimanis@sydney.edu.au
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 5 Salaried PhD student positions (Sweden)
Linköping University, the Royal Institute of Technology and Uppsala University announce five positions as PhD student within the research programme The Seed Box: A Mistra-Formas Environmental Humanities Collaboratory
• Linköping University, 3 positions
TEMA-2015-00088, TEMA-2015-00102 and TEMA 2015-00103
• Royal Institute of Technology, 1 position
• Uppsala University, 1 position
Apply before 25 May
Contact: Cecilia.Asberg@liu.se
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