Seeking RA: ‘Sea-Works’–the ‘underwater lives’ of shipwrecks

15 Mar Seeking RA: ‘Sea-Works’–the ‘underwater lives’ of shipwrecks

Dear colleagues,

I seek to employ an RA to collaborate with me toward ‘Sea-Works’ (working title), a digital resource which intends to facilitate public encounters with maritime-archaeological artefacts while opening those artefacts to novel, and plural, interpretive pathways. In principle, the resource will present 3D models of artefacts from the Western Australian Museum’s shipwreck collections while scaffolding them with a textual apparatus designed to help viewers attend to such artefacts’ formal, temporal, and agential multiplicities. The models already exist (in Sketchfab). What the project requires are the contributions of a colleague interested in (and ideally experienced with) practices of digital exhibition, especially as those practices intersect the methods and knowledges of the oceanic and more broadly humanities, and/or literary studies. Collaborative tasks, which would unfurl over the near term, might include surveying pertinent models of digital exhibition; testing digital tools for their potential utility; and assembling a body of pertinent texts. The quantity of work will be determined through discussion. This project is made possible by Australian Research Council Linkage Project ‘Mobilising Dutch East India Company collections for new global stories.’

With thanks,

Killian Quigley

Image credit: David Burdick, reef0855, looking through hole in Da Na Hino Maru – sunk during World War II, 27 September 2010. NOAA Photo Library, Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0).

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