Dialogues and Dissonances: The Environmental Humanities from North-South Perspectives

15 Mar Dialogues and Dissonances: The Environmental Humanities from North-South Perspectives

Hosted by the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at NOVA University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH), the conference Dialogues and Dissonances: The Environmental Humanities from North-South Perspectives (25-27 September 2025) invites scholars from diverse disciplines to critically evaluate the implications of the Global North-South framework for environmental thinking and practice.

We welcome investigations of contrasting conceptions of nature, environment, ecology, and sustainability between Global North-South countries. We encourage contestations of North-South framings through case studies and conceptual explorations. Through a focus on the dialogues and dissonances emanating from the North-South dyad, the conference will draw attention to emerging areas of the Environmental Humanities.

Keynote speakers include Pramod K Nayar, Patricia Vieira, Stephen Ogheneruro Okpadah, and Scott Slovic.


Abstract submission deadline is 1 April 2025. We hope to see you in Lisbon later this year!

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