20 Sep RMIT: PhD Scholarship in Environmental Humanities
This PhD Scholarship is part of an ARC Linkage Project Extinction Imaginaries: Mapping Affective Visual Cultures in Australasia (LP2201001) led by Emeritus Professor Linda Williams. The project investigates what animal extinction means to Australians. Australasia has the highest global extinction rates, yet despite the wide circulation of visual images of extinction very little is known about how they affect people. The project will investigate the changing global imaginary of recent species extinction by using new methodologies for mapping the emotional meaning of images of extinction in visual cultures. The aim is that our findings will result in research translations that NGOs will continue to apply in raising awareness of environmental change. These collaborative research translations will address public concern for the deteriorating ecosystems that future generations will inherit.
For further information: https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/careers-opportunities/scholarships/research/phd-scholarship-in-extinction-imaginaries
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