10 Nov RESEARCH AS COMPOSITION in conversation with STEVEN FELD (Online, 25 Nov 2022)
RESEARCH AS COMPOSITION a livestream conversation with Steven Feld
Join the curatorium collective for their final Session for the year on Nov 25 at 9.00 – 10.30am AEDT to hear renown sound studies theorist, musician, anthropologist, and filmmaker Steven Feld riff on “Research as Composition”.
Steve spent the first 20 years of his career developing an ‘anthropology of sound’, primarily through regular fieldwork with Kaluli people in the rainforests of the Bosavi plateau in the southern highlands of PNG. For the past 20 years his fieldwork has expanded to Greece and Ghana and pushing his anthropology of sound further through carnivals of bells, Accra jazz, and Por Por taxi honk horn music.
“My practice is research as composition, and it begins with listening and recording. Recording both amplifies listening and from it creates a new material, a basis for composition, but also a basis for further research”.
Register via this link: https://charlesdarwinuni.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ucuirqTsrHd2q5UgRdrwUG3i0mgpZTutj
Or contact Jennifer Deger for further information.
We look forward to seeing you in November.
The Curatorium Editorial Collective
Victoria Baskin Coffey, Jennifer Deger, Sebastian J. Lowe and Lisa Stefanoff.
About curatorium: Curatorium is a collective of anthropologists, artists, activists, makers, and thinkers. It is an attempt to create the space for those who work differently to find one another; a shared experiment in creative and critical thinking, that we hope will generate new affirmations and critiques of what anthropology makes possible. This initiative has been developed with the Australian Anthropological Society in partnership with the Centre for Creative Futures at Charles Darwin University.
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