11 Apr Kerb Journal 28 Call for Abstracts
Kerb Journal of Landscape Architecture is now open for submission of abstracts until 22nd of April.
This year our theme is:
Designing for coexistence in a time of crisis.
This global ecological and climatic crisis has been created by humans. In this crisis we
encounter our ecological entanglement and the destructive lineage of ideas and institutions
that had conceived of humans as detached, special and centred.
In Kerb 28, we look with a broad lens towards ideas, practices and knowledges that better
enable coexistence. In what ways do these offer a departure from the existing modes of
agency? What role can design play in imagining and embracing forms of agency that will
allow us to co-inhabit earth with non-humans?
If Interested, please submit a max. 200 word abstract to kerb.journal[@]rmit.edu.au
Please visit our website for more information.
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