13 Feb NCHU Summer School for the Environmental Humanities in Asia, June 29-July 3, 2020
Call for Applications:
Imagining Nature in the Anthropocene
1st NCHU Summer School for the Environmental Humanities in Asia
Date: June 29th – July 3rd 2020
Venue: National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
Human activities have propelled the Earth into a new geological epoch. This insight is encapsulated in the Anthropocene concept, which challenges us to explore the social and cultural dimensions of ecological change. The Anthropocene calls for new ways of imagining the relationship between humans and what we used to call “nature.” It forces us to think again about how human ways of life shape and are shaped by non-human others, and how our lives and those of other biological species are made possible by and in turn affect the abiotic forces of the Earth system.
This summer school will provide up to 45 graduate students and early career researchers with an opportunity to engage these issues together with some of the leading scholars and practitioners in the field, and to present and discuss their own ongoing projects. We invite applications from all relevant disciplines, including (but not limited to) anthropology, cultural studies, film studies, geography, history, journalism, literary studies, philosophy, and political science.
Applicants will sign up for two of the six workshops offered by our international guests (Chia-ju Chang, Jon Christensen, Dolly Jorgensen, Ursula Heise, Arupjyoti Saikia, Keijiro Suga). Required readings or descriptions of other preparatory tasks for these workshops will be distributed in advance. The applicants will also be expected to deliver a 10 minute presentation about an ongoing research project of their own (e.g. MA or PhD thesis, book, or scholarly article). They will need to supply a written description of this project (of about 1.000 words) which will be distributed to the session leader and other participants beforehand.
Eligibility and Funding
Applicants are expected to be currently enrolled in a graduate program or to have received their PhD over the past six years. We also welcome junior faculty and early career researchers.
The summer school will cover accommodation (double rooms) and board for all participants for the duration of the week, including breakfast, lunch, and the conference banquet. The registration fee is 80 USD for international participants and 2.400 NTD for participants from Taiwan.
In order to apply, please send a CV and 250 word abstract of the project you will be presenting on to eh.summerschool2020@gmail.com by February 28th, 2020. In your application, please specify your order of preference for Workshops I and II (for more information, please visit the website with our program: https://controlfreak.life/phlox/). Requests for slots will be filled in the order in which they are received. Because the number of participants is limited to 15 per workshop, we may not always be able to accommodate your preferences.
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