28 Jul History’s Terrain: Locating Memory, Understanding Landscape
This public symposium will explore how place and memory shape the way we think about landscapes, the past and the present. Drawing together scholars and practitioners, the symposium showcases new research into encounters with place, collecting cultures, natural history and nature writing, and sites of memory. Speakers will examine what it means to locate memory in landscapes and consider the role of history in a time of environmental crisis. How does a focus on place shape the way we write history? How are connections to place sustained and invigorated through memory work? Are there tensions between the public engagement with historical sites and the academic study of space, place and the past? How should historians draw on material culture and museum collections? What do humanists bring to our understanding of the Anthropocene and how can we use this concept to build more effective stories about our world?
Keynote: Professor Heather Goodall, UTS
Confirmed Speakers: Ann Elias, Andrew Hurley, Jarrod Hore, Simon Ville, Mariko Smith, Jude Philp, Emily O’Gorman, Rohan Howitt
More information and tickets ($20) at, https://historysterrain.eventbrite.com.au
Thursday 5th September, 2019, Dixson Room, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney
This is a History Council of New South Wales, History Week Event
Convenors: Isobelle Barrett Meyering, MQ & Jarrod Hore, MQ
Contact: Jarrod Hore, jarrod.hore@mq.edu.au
All tickets include Morning Tea. Tickets including Lunch are available. Alternatively, you may choose from a number of nearby options or bring your own Lunch.
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