CFP: Writing Place, Writing Laws (Uni Melbourne, 10 May 2019)

13 Mar CFP: Writing Place, Writing Laws (Uni Melbourne, 10 May 2019)

Writing Place, Writing Laws: Laws and the Humanities in the ‘Anthropocene’
Workshop, Friday 10 May 2019
Extended Deadline: 22 March 2019

To be held on Friday 10th May 2019, this workshop, featuring Professor Alexis Wright, award winning author, and Boisbouvier Chair in Australian Literature at the University of Melbourne, aims to bring together a broad group of participants from a variety of disciplines. Participants may be established or emerging scholars, including doctoral students. Its purpose is to invite reflections on our writing practices and obligations in the context of climate change, in ‘writing place, writing laws’. For more information, please visit the website.

We invite submissions for 20 minute academic papers. Proposals should include a 250 word abstract and a 100 word biography. Please send proposals and any queries to Dr Kathleen Birrell at

Call for Papers now closes Friday 22nd March 2019.

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