22 Oct Monstrous Life: A Workshop with Oron Catts
In conjunction with a public lecture as part of the Spectacle of Science event at Macquarie University (8 November 2018), Oron Catts, artist and Director of SymbioticA, will be leading a workshop from 10am-1pm on 9 November 2018. The workshop will be held at Macquarie University’s North Ryde Campus.
To mark the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, the workshop will ask, what does it mean to control life? From laboratory mice with cancer growths, to insect pests and hormone-injected chickens, to ocean creatures that defy easy taxonomic classification, how are monsters and the monstrous made through process of control and establishing boundaries?
In preparation for the discussion, participants will be asked to read selected work on this topic, which will be circulated prior to the workshop, and prepare a 5 minute response to the theme and readings that draws on their own research. The workshop is free of charge but places are strictly limited. Lunch will be provided. Please register for the workshop by 31 October 2018 via email to Dr Emily O’Gorman: emily.ogorman@mq.edu.au.
The workshop is organised by the Environmental Humanities Research Stream, and has received funding through the Societal Transformation Theme, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University.
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