05 Mar CFP: Eating the Anthropocene (Macquarie University, 26-27 April 2018)
Eating the Anthropocene: What and how should we eat in a climate changing world?
Keynote speaker: Mike Goodman (University of Reading)
April 26-27, 2018
Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University
Further information: https://groundworkgeop.wordpress.com/blog
The meatification, standardisation, and globalisation of diets has contributed to food systems and cultures that both drive planetary change and are vulnerable to those changes. The environmental impacts of food intersect with food justice, security, sovereignty, quality and multispecies flourishing. Eating the Anthropocene challenges established and emergent relationships between people, animals, plants, insects, water, microbes, soils, and atmospheres. Old ideas about who and what is killable and consumable are being questioned and new politics, praxes and visceral, multispecies geographies of food are being generated.
We welcome provocations on themes such as (but not limited to): Innovations in food and food practices; political ecologies of food; food transitions; food justice; food security and sovereignty; Indigenous peoples and food; more-than-human approaches to food; food politics, prefigurative politics and food movements; food subjectivities, cultures and geographies; visceral geographies of food; food art, writing and creativity; food ethics; alternative food networks; urban agriculture; food certification.
The workshop aims to bring food researchers, activists and authorities together to envision future food challenges and transitions. Day 1 will be comprised of academic presentations in the form of short provocations and discussions. Day 2 will focus on activism and practice, exploring generative opportunities to rework food systems in creative, fair and just ways.
If you would like to present your ideas at the symposium please include a title for a short 5-10 minute provocation when you register. The symposium is open to all, including academics, students, professionals and activists, however please note numbers are limited.
To register for the symposium please contact andrew.mcgregor@mq.edu.au, donna.houston@mq.edu.au, and margaret.raven@mq.edu.au at the Department of Geography and Planning at Macquarie University.
The deadline for expressions of interest is March 16, 2018.
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