20 Jun CFP: Sustaining the Seas Conference – 2nd call for papers, panels, and creative provocations
2nd call for papers, panels, and creative provocations
The University Of Sydney, 11th -13th December 2017.
Please send a 250-300 word abstract and affiliation details to kate.johnston@sydney.edu.au by 14th July 2017.
Sustaining the Seas is an exciting and experimental refereed international conference that will bring together academics of many disciplines, practitioners, urban planners, fishers, artists and writers to consider over three days the challenges of how to care better for the oceans, and more-than-human marine ecological systems. We will explore radically different modes of caring for oceanic spaces and ask what their effects might be for communities of fish and humans.
Hosted by the Sustainable Fish Lab at the University of Sydney, the conference will take place in one of the world’s most beautiful yet troubled harbour cities. This will be a unique opportunity to engage with local and global oceanic complexities through panel discussions, keynote speakers, films, demonstrations of innovative practice, and fieldtrips.
Professor Lesley Green (UCT)
Professor Rosemary Rayfuse (UNSW)
Professor Elspeth Probyn (Sydney)
Plenary Sessions
Caring for Sea Country
Dr. Leah Lui-Chivizhe (UNSW)
Speculative Harbours
Gena Wirth (Scape),
Dr. Adriana Vergés (UNSW)
Embodying the Ocean (Writing on the Sea)
Dr. Astrida Neimanis (Sydney)
In-Conversation with Fishers
John Susman (FishTale) and
Cat Dorey (Greenpeace)
Surfing pollution
Dr. Clifton Evers (Newcastle University, UK)
Please visit the conference website for details, including keynote speakers, plenary sessions, registrations, and fieldtrips. Or join us on social media through Facebook and Twitter.
Please send a 250-300 word abstract and affiliation details to kate.johnston@sydney.edu.au by 14th July 2017.
Contributions are sought from practitioners working in, or across, speculative design, poetic computation, fabrication, and art-related practice, including moving-image, audio, and performance. This stream of the conference aims to experiment with the traditional conference format and present diverse forms of engagement with the challenges of caring for marine environments.
Please send 250-300-word abstract, affiliation details and link to previous work to stream organisers susanne.pratt@uts.edu.au and kate.johnston@sydney.edu.au by 14th July 2017.
Abstracts should describe your creative provocation – subject matter and proposed form of presentation (limited to conference space and 20 minutes).
11 -13 December 2017
Organisers: Prof Elspeth Probyn (elspeth.probyn@sydney.edu.au), and Kate Johnston, The Department of Gender & Cultural Studies, The University of Sydney, in partnership with the Sydney Environment Institute
Website: www.sustainablefishlab.org
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