23 Aug New postgrad programme in Arts and Ecology
Schumacher College (UK) has announced a new programme in Arts & Ecology, including a Master of Arts and a Master of Fine Arts. Both awards are still subject to final validation from Plymouth University.
This postgraduate programme is aimed at artists with an established practice who yearn for new connections and conversations, require time out for intensive study, reflection and refreshment, and who wish to interrogate and challenge their work in order to foster a creative practice fit for the ecological, social, and ethical challenges we all face. In this programme, you are encouraged to develop or deepen an eyes-wide-open practice that pays attention to integration rather than alienation and which is open to or led by dialogue, inter-relationships, and a clear ethical imperative. You will be nurtured and sustained in developing a creative ecological practice open to the wonder, enchantment and richness of the world, attuned to and in sympathy with ecological systems and sensitive to the threats they might face.
The programme proposes Arts & Ecology as a metadisciplinary field of study and practice, encouraging artists to develop a practice with a deep and meaningful engagement with the world around them that becomes central to their practice.
For more information, contact the programme leader, Dr Richard Povall.
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