06 Aug Inspiring young people with nature – story call
Macquarie University has a research project to engage young people with nature. We would appreciate it if you can help to disseminate our call out.
We are inviting young storytellers (15-25 years) to share bold inspiring stories about a human experience with nature through any creative medium such us film, art, creative writing or photography. The ten best ideas will receive editorial and production training including digital storytelling workshops and mentors, and the opportunity to show their work at a premier event and online campaign.
They will build valuable skills, networks, and win prizes, but it’s also a creative and fun opportunity for them to participate in creating a positive change for planet.
It would be great if you could pass on this call out to your networks at uni and in the art/creative/ media/ performance world to reach 15-25 year olds you know who might be interested.
The flyer is attached. More info about the project here:
research.science.mq.edu.au/theregenerationproject and facebook.com/theregeneration.inspirenature
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