09 Nov Postdoc in Environmental or Medical Humanities – University of Oulu, Finland
The Faculty of Humanities of the University of Oulu announces a two-year Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Environmental or Medical Humanities to start at the beginning of March, 2015.
Field description
This researcher position is placed at TheAge of Adjustments – Critical and Historical Perspectives on Governing Citizens, Health and the Environment research community (RC) at the University of Oulu http://www.ouluageads.com/. The RC focuses on environmental and medical humanities. We apply research tools from the human sciences to the study of the environment, health and social engineering. We are interested in versatile and partly intertwining issues, such as sustainability, commodification of the biosphere, recreation, tourism, normality, deviance and illness and health, as well as social technologies. Particularly, we aim at a multidisciplinary (e.g. cultural anthropology, history, human geography and philosophy) research on the emergence of practical applications of proactive adaptation and governance.
The RC aims at creating a dynamic forum for PhD students and junior and senior researchers for familiarising each other’s work; for sharing insights, case study methods, problems and results; and for developing collaborative partnerships. The community aims at organising annual conferences, smaller seminars, and variety of workshops and lectures that will address all kinds of topics in the fields in question. The RC was rated as ‘outstanding’ (6/6) in the previous research assessment exercise at the University of Oulu in the category of new research initiatives in 2013.
Responsibilities, required qualifications and the term of appointment
The successful candidate for this postdoctoral researcher post will have an appropriate PhD attained within the past five years. The candidate will have an innovative and internationally significant personal study plan (max 3 pages) that relates to the study objectives of the research community, e.g. the analysis of practical and theoretical, current or historical developments of medical, societal and environmental governance. International experience and mobility is a prerequisite for the position as well as publication plan oriented for international academic audience. The selected candidate is expected to participate actively in the work of the RC.
The position will be filled for two years, starting from 1st of March 2015 at the earliest. The post is located in Oulu.
The salary of the postdoctoral researcher will be set on levels 5–6 of the national salary scale for the teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, supplementary remuneration will be given for personal achievement and performance, the sum rising to a maximum of 46.3% of whatever salary scale (5–6) is set for the post. In practice, the salary will be about 3300 – 4300€ at the start of the period.
Additional funding will be available for international collaboration and mobility.
Applications, including attachments, should be submitted by 8.12.2014, using the electronic application form.
Contact details
For further information and enquiries about this post, and the application and selection procedures, please contact coordinator Tarja Ikola, email: tarja.ikola(at)oulu.fi. For further information contact professor Hannu I. Heikkinen, tel. +358 40 184 21 76, e-mail: Hannu.I.Heikkinen(at)oulu.fi
Applications must include the following documents:
The following documents must be attached to the application:
1) A brief curriculum vitae in English (max 3 pages);
2) A list of publications sub-divided in the following way:
(a) articles published in refereed journals;
(b) articles in collections of refereed scholarly or scientific papers and in refereed conference proceedings;
(c) scholarly or scientific monographs;
(d) other scholarly or scientific publications in, for example, non-refereed journals and academic proceedings, and home university or departmental series.
3) A short presentation of the applicant’s personal study and publication plan, with the emphasis on how the proposed research would advance and relate to the objectives of the research community The Age of Adjustments (max 3 pages).
Further information and application here.
Image: “University-of-Oulu-Linnanmaa” by Tumi-1983 – Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons – http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:University-of-Oulu-Linnanmaa.JPG#mediaviewer/File:University-of-Oulu-Linnanmaa.JPG
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